Sealion Rattle Aubrey Johnson

Native Rattle - Sealion Rattle by Aubrey Johnson c2008

Rattle - Sealion Rattle by Aubrey Johnson c2008

The Sea Lion according to the Kwakwaka'wakw people functions as house post and holes the prestigious position of head guards at the house of the Komokwa, chief of the undersea world he is the keeper of the Copper.

Here is a fine example of Aubrey's work this finely carved Yellow cedar Rattle of the Sealion. There are 4 Sealion's and 1 Ghost Face carved into this piece with all the detail deeply carved. The measurements are 5 inches round by 3 1/2 inches in depth, with the stand it is 8 inches high.

Price $1,500.00 CDN

Additional Links for Sealion Rattle Aubrey Johnson:

Art Piece: "Sealion Rattle Aubrey Johnson"
Artist: Aubrey Johnson
Art Piece Name: aj62-f

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