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Eagle Killer Whale Herman Bruce Native Totem - Eagle with Killer Whale by Herman Bruce Native Totem - Eagle with Killer Whale by Herman Bruce model totem 18 inch heigth , 18 inch... |
Cedar Hand Bag Kerri Dick Native Weaving - Cedar Hand Bag Kerri Dick c2007 Weaving - Cedar Hand Bag Kerri Dick c2007 This beautiful hand woven Cedar Hand bag with... |
Moon Mask Aubrey Johnson Native Mask - Kwakiutl Moon Mask by Aubrey Johnson C2007 Mask - Kwakiutl Moon Mask by Aubrey Johnson C2007 The Moon controls the tides and is a... |
Eagle Paddle Trevor Hunt Native Paddle - Eagle paddle by Trevor Hunt Paddle - Salmon, Raven Paddle by Trevor Hunt c2006 Every Artist has... |
Sun Transformation Aubrey Johnson Sun Transformation mask (Miniature) by Aubrey Johnson Sun Transformation mask (Miniature) by Aubrey Johnson Sun Transformation 6 inch heigth , 8 inch... |
G Lokwumz By Eugene Isaac Native Original - Raven / G'Lokwumz by Eugene Isaac Native Original - Raven / G'Lokwumz by Eugene Isaac Crooked beak of Heaven 1998 image size 21... |
Kumkawa Mask Trevor Hunt Native Mask -Kumkawa' Mask by Trevor Hunt Native Mask - Kumkawa Mask by Trevor Hunt Kumkawa' (king of the sea) 17 inch heigth , 9 inch... |
Kumkawa Henry Speck Native Mask - Kumkawa by Henry Speck Native Mask - Kumkawa by Henry Speck Kumkawa' ( king of the sea ) 11 1/2 inch height , 8 inch... |
Raven Trevor Hunt Native Mask - Raven by Trevor Hunt c2006 Mask - Raven by Trevor Hunt c2006 The Raven a large Black bird and... |
Thunder Mask Beau Dick Native Mask - Thunder Mask by Beau Dick Native Mask - Thunder Mask by Beau Dick c2006 This mask carved in the traditionial old style... |
Mosquito David Knox Native Mask - Mosquito by David Knox Mosquito Mask by David Knox Mosquito Mask 30 inch width, 16 inch heigth, 13 inch depth red cedar... |
Sun Peter Dawson Native Original - Sun by Peter Dawson Native Original - Sun by Peter Dawson (original) image size 17 inch Width , 17 inch... |
Pugwis Jason Hunt Native Mask - Pugwis with by Jason Hunt Native Mask - Pugwis with by Jason Hunt c2006 This mask of the Pugwis' of Merman of the Sea is... |
Sea Otter Rattle Johnathan Henderson Native Rattle - Sea Otter Rattle by Johnathan Henderson Native Rattle - Sea Otter Rattle by Johnathon Henderson craddle raddle 19 inch length , 4 inch... |
Man Who Saw Sisutil Eugene Isaac Native Mask - Man who saw Sisutil by Eugene Isaac Man who saw the Sisutil' by Eugene Issac sisutil' mask 10 inch lenght , 9 inch width , 4 inch... |
Sealions And Killer Whale Moon Trevor Hunt Native Mask - Sea lions and Killer Whale Moon by Trevor Hunt C2010 Mask - Killer Whale Whale Moon Mask by Trevor Hunt C2010 The Sea lion he functions as... |
Pugwis Jason Hunt Native Mask - Pugwis with by Jason Hunt Native Mask - Pugwis with by Jason Hunt c2006 This mask of the Pugwis' of Merman of the Sea is... |
Salmon Aubrey Johnson Native Carving - Salmon by Aubrey Johnson C2010 Carving - Salmon by Aubrey Johnson C2010 Some myths tell about people who were kidnapped by... |
Salmon Ira Etzerza Native Plaque - Salmon by Ira Etzerza c2007 Native Carving - Salmon by Ira Etzerza c2007 The Salmon is one of the most important food... |
Killer Whale Paddle Laurence Scow Native Paddle - Killer Whale paddle by Laurence Scow Paddle - Killer Whale paddle by Laurence Scow c2006 Here is a good... |
Pugwis Jason Hunt Pugwis' (man of the Sea) by Jason Hunt Pugwis' (man of the Sea) by Jason Hunt Pugwis' 14 inch length , 15 inch width , 10 inch... |
Eagle Feast Dish Joe Wilson Native Bowl - Eagle Feast Dish by Joe Wilson Native Bowl - Eagle Feast Dish by Joe Wilson Eagle Feast Dish with Stand 19 inch length , 9 inch... |
Bakwas Pewe Alfred Native Original - Bak'was by Pewe Alfred Native Original - Bak'was by Pewe Alfred (original) bak'was' (wildman of the woods ) image... |
Grizzly Bear Mask Mervyn Child Native Mask - Grizzly Bear mask by Mervyn Child C2010 Mask - Grizzly Bear mask by Mervyn Child C2010 A finely carved red cedar mask with... |
Eagle And Raven Paddle Laurence Scow Native Paddle - Eagle and Raven paddle by Laurence Scow Paddle - Eagle and Raven paddle by Laurence Scow c2006 Here is a good... |
Orca Whale Panel Laurence Scow Native Killer Whale and Raven Panel by Laurence Scow c2011 Killer Whale Panel by Laurence Scow c2011 Killer Whale with the Raven is fully Carved... |
Chief Speaker Mask Calvin Hunt Native Mask - Chief Speaker Mask by Calvin Hunt C2010 Mask - Speaker Mask by Calvin Hunt C2010 The speaker (Alkw) was a hereditary official who... |
Sisutil Moon Don Svanvik Sisutil' Moon by Don Svanvik Sisutil' Moon by Don Svanvik Sisutil' Moon 24 inch length , 22 inch width , 6 inch depth one... |
Eagle Feast Dish Joe Wilson Native Bowls - Bald Eagle Feast Dish by Joe Wilson c2007 Bowls - Eagle Feast Dish by Joe Wilson c2007 The Bald Eagle is one of the most important... |
Loon Bowl Henry Speck Native Bowl - Loon Bowl by Henry Speck SOLD Native Bowl - Loon Bowl by Henry Speck loon bowl 19 inch long , 7 1/2 inch height , 6 1/2... |
Moon Mask Joe Wilson Native Mask - Moon Mask by Joe Wilson Native Mask - Moon Mask by Joe Willson Moon Mask 14 inch heigth , 11 inch width , 5 inch... |
Wide Face Moon Mervyn Child Native Mask - Wide Face Moon by Mervyn Child Native Mask - Wide Face Moon by Mervyn Child c2006 The Wide Face Moon or September Moon (Lixam)... |
G Lokwumz By Eugene Isaac Native Original - Raven / G'Lokwumz by Eugene Isaac Native Original - Raven / G'Lokwumz by Eugene Isaac Crooked beak of Heaven 1998 image size 21... |
9 Figure Totem Aubrey Johnson Native Totems - Killer Whale Totem by Aubrey Johnson C2007 Native Totems - Killer Whale Totem by Aubrey Johnson C2007 Based on an old Totem that... |
Killer Whale Laurence Scow Native Carving - Killer Whale by Laurence Scow Native Carving - Killer Whale and Salmon Panel by Laurance Scow Killer Whales under... |
Salmon Raven Paddle Trevor Hunt Native Paddle - Salmon, Raven Paddle by Trevor Hunt Native Paddle - Salmon, Raven Paddle by Trevor Hunt Raven paddle 60 inch length , 5 1/2 inch... |
Huk Huk Dancer Joe Wilson Native Mask - Huk Huk Dancer by Joe Wilson Native Mask - Huk Huk Dancer by Joe Wilson Huk Huk dancer Mask 21 inchs length , 4 inchs width ,... |
Eagle Paddle Trevor Hunt Native Paddle - Eagle paddle by Trevor Hunt Paddle - Salmon, Raven Paddle by Trevor Hunt c2006 Every Artist has... |
Bakwas Aubrey Johnson Native Miniture's - Bakwas by Aubrey Johnson Native Miniture's - Bakwas by Aubrey Johnson miniature bakwas' (wildman of the woods ) mask 3... |
Wolf Mask Wally Bernard Native Mask - Wolf Mask by Wally Bernard Native Mask - Wolf Mask with Stand by Wally Bernard Wolf Mask 20 inch length , 14 inch high ,... |
Killer Whale Ira Etzerza Native Plaques - Killer Whale By Ira Etzerza c2007 Native Carving - Killer Whale By Ira Etzerza c2007 Here is a finely carved yellow cedar... |
Sisutil Moon Don Svanvik Sisutil' Moon by Don Svanvik Sisutil' Moon by Don Svanvik Sisutil' Moon 24 inch length , 22 inch width , 6 inch depth one... |
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